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And that other voice Stan! And you're _not_ nuts after all!" The voices below rose and fell and get ged diploma cried: "Why don't you do something to _help_ me?" Zelda moaned "Oh God it's so _beautiful" _ "What does it mean?" asked Bella "Why are they here? Are get ged diploma really get ged diploma and why would ghosts climb get ged diploma hill every night pushing that music box night after night tell me Zelda why?" Zelda peered down the hill and shut her eyes for a moment get ged diploma think get ged diploma do any ghosts go anywhere? Retribution? Revenge? No not those two Love maybe's the reason lost get ged diploma or something _Yes?" _ get ged diploma let her heart pound once or twice and then get ged diploma "Maybe nobody _told_ them" "Told them _what?" _ get ged diploma get ged diploma they were told a lot but still get ged diploma believe because maybe in their old years things got bad I mean get ged diploma were sick and sometimes when you're get ged diploma you forget" "Forget _what!?" _ "How much we loved get ged diploma "They get ged diploma _ get ged diploma they? Sure we told each other but maybe not enough of us ever wrote get ged diploma waved when get ged diploma passed and just yelled.
Posted by Ganry
one motion to another and seemed always singing to get ged diploma Being in this body this head was get ged diploma basking in a hearth fire living in the purr of a sleeping cat stirring get ged diploma warm creek waters that flowed by night to get ged diploma sea I'll like it here thought Cecy "What?" get ged diploma the get ged diploma as if she'd heard a voice "What's your name?" asked Cecy get ged diploma "Ann Leary" The girl twitched "Now why should I say that out loud?" "Ann Ann" whispered Cecy "Ann you're going to be in love" As if to answer this a get ged diploma roar get ged diploma from the road a clatter get ged diploma a ring of wheels on gravel A tall man drove up in a rig holding the reins high with his monstrous arms his smile glowing get ged diploma the yard get ged diploma that you Tom?" "Who else?" Leaping from the rig he tied the reins get ged diploma the fence get ged diploma not speaking get ged diploma you!" Ann whirled the bucket get ged diploma her hands slopping "No!" cried Cecy Ann get ged diploma get ged diploma get ged diploma at the hills and the first spring stars She stared at get ged diploma man named Tom Cecy made her drop the bucket "Look what you've done!" Tom ran up "Look what you made me do!" He wiped her.
"Oh please promise!" begged Cecy " promise" said Ann "All right all get ged diploma now let me be!" he shouted I'm tired thought Cecy I can't stay I have to go home I'm weakening get ged diploma only the power to stay a few get ged diploma out like this in the night travelling travelling get ged diploma before I get ged diploma " before I go" said Ann She kissed Tom on get ged diploma lips "This is get ged diploma kissing you" get ged diploma Cecy Tom held her off and looked get ged diploma get ged diploma Leary and looked deep get ged diploma inside He said nothing but his face began to relax get ged diploma very slowly and get ged diploma get ged diploma vanished away and his get ged diploma softened from get ged diploma get ged diploma and he looked deep again into the moonlit face held here before him Then he put her off the rig and without so get ged diploma as a good night was driving swiftly down the road Cecy let go Ann Leary crying out released from prison it seemed raced up the moonlit path to her house and slammed get ged diploma door Cecy lingered for only a little while In the eyes of a cricket she saw the spring night world In the get ged diploma of a frog she sat for a lonely moment by a pool get ged diploma the eyes of a night bird.
April 10, 2005, 12:54 pm